How to run python script as executable and keep access to files surrounding it?


I have a python program "" that I want to be able to run by clicking an icon or typing "Alfred" in the terminal. It is connected to a database file and pulls in Excel files when asked to. When I try to run it by clicking, this is what I get:

mcaay:~ mcaay$ /Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje\ Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/Alfred.desktop ; exit;
/Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/Alfred.desktop: line 1: [Desktop: command not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/", line 59, in <module>
    AND Usterka IS NOT NULL;""")
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: repairs
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

This line:

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: repairs

means that didn't find .db file, created it but it was empty so there was no table called "repairs". This .db file sits in the same directory as

What I did until now:

  • added "#!/usr/bin/env python3" as the 1st line of
  • typed "chmod +x /Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje\ Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/" in terminal to make it executable
  • added "export PATH=$PATH:/Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje\ Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/" to my .bash_profile to make available from any place in terminal
  • created Alfred.desktop file for a clickable icon:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=python3 /Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje\ Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/
  • made Alfred.desktop executable by typing "chmod +x /Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje\ Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/Alfred.desktop" in the terminal

When I type in terminal "", I get:

mcaay:~ mcaay$
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred/", line 59, in <module>
    AND Usterka IS NOT NULL;""")
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: repairs

So the same as with clicking "Alfred.desktop". If I type just "Alfred", I get:

mcaay:~ mcaay$ Alfred
-bash: Alfred: command not found

I want just typing "Alfred" to work and I want it to see the database and other files correctly, or alternatively if clicking the icon will work properly it is acceptable too. My Googe-Fu failed me here. What do?

P.S. I noticed that a database file is created in my home directory ("/Users/mcaay"), as if was pulled from original destination to some temporary destination and executed there (other files were not pulled so program crashed).


Ok, so after a good night of sleep the things I've read finally computed in my head and I got an answer. Everything I did before is unnecessary and can be discarded.

My solution (keep in mind I'm using macOS Mojave atm):

  1. In home directory, I created a file called This is a shell script that will have a callable command in terminal to go to my specified directory and then run a python script.
  2. Inside, I wrote this:

function Alfred() {
    cd /Users/mcaay/Documents/Moje\ Dokumenty/MANTA/Alfred

The name of this function (Alfred) is what will invoke the shell commands included inside. It's basically doing what you would normally do in terminal to start a program.

  1. In my .bash_profile, I added source ~/ at the end, so everytime I open the terminal everything that is in becomes available immediately.

That's basically it :) Maybe not the cleanest but super easy and good enough for what I need. Tanktalus' and asafpr's answers helped me to come up with this solution.

Use case:

mcaay:~ mcaay$ Alfred

Co jest?
>>> thx

mcaay:Alfred mcaay$ 

Thx is the command to end the python script.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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