Why does PowerShell code behave different when called from a function?

Casey Chester

Experienced C# developer learning PowerShell here so I am sure I am just missing something silly. What I am trying to do is write a function that simply writes it's input to a temporary file in JSON format. I have code that works fine if I run it 'inline', but that same code writes an empty file when called in a function.

Here is the code:

function Dump-File {
    param (
    $tmp = New-TemporaryFile
    $Input | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $tmp.FullName 
    Write-Output "Dump file written: $($tmp.FullName)"

$args = @{}
$args.Add('a', 1)
$args.Add('b', 2)
$args.Add('c', 3)
$args.Add('d', 4)

# results in json written to temp file
$tmp = New-TemporaryFile
$args | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $tmp.FullName
Write-Output "args dumped: $($tmp.FullName)"

# results in empty temp file
Dump-File $args

Can anyone help me understand why the code called inline works but the same code does not work when I wrap it up as a function?

Sage Pourpre

$Input is an automatic variable.

Changing the name of your Dump-File parameter to $somethingelse will resolve your problem. Never use $input as a parameter or variable name.

Automatic variables are to be considered read-only.

About Automatic Variables


Describes variables that store state information for PowerShell. These variables are created and maintained by PowerShell.


Conceptually, these variables are considered to be read-only. Even though they can be written to, for backward compatibility they should not be written to.

Here is a list of the automatic variables in PowerShell:



Contains an enumerator that enumerates all input that is passed to a function. The $input variable is available only to functions and script blocks (which are unnamed functions). In the Process block of a function, the $input variable enumerates the object that is currently in the pipeline. When the Process block completes, there are no objects left in the pipeline, so the $input variable enumerates an empty collection. If the function does not have a Process block, then in the End block, the $input variable enumerates the collection of all input to the function.

Source: About_Automatic_Variables

This information is also avaible through Get-help command

Get-Help about_Automatic_Variables

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