I'm writing a C program on visual studio. But my program doesn't run nor it returns any errors. Can someone take a look at it?


I hopelessly tried to copy paste this into another file but it still doesn't return anything.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "conio.h"
#pragma warning (disable: 4996)

typedef struct item
    char *pName;
    int Quantity, Price, Total;

ITEM *Exam(char *pInput);

int main()
    ITEM *pItem;
    char input[81];
    printf("Type items: ");
    char *pInput = input;
    pItem = Exam(pInput);
    printf("Name: %s\nQuantity: %d\nPrice: %d\nTotal: %d\n", pItem->pName, pItem->Quantity, pItem->Price, pItem->Total);
    return 0;

ITEM *Exam(char *pInput)
    ITEM *pItem = (ITEM *)malloc(sizeof(ITEM));
    char *pNam, *pQuantity, *pPrice;
    int total, l, q, p;
    int qu, pr;

    for (l = 0; *(pInput + l) != ','; l++);
    pNam = (char *)malloc(l + 1);
    *(pInput + l) = '\0';
    strcpy(pNam, pInput);
    pItem->pName = pNam;
    *(pInput + l) = ',';

    for (q = 0; *(pInput + l + 2 + q) != ','; q++);
    pQuantity = (char *)malloc(q + 1);
    *(pInput + l + q + 2) = 0;
    strcpy(pQuantity, pInput + l + 2);
    qu = atoi(pQuantity);
    pItem->Quantity = qu;

    for (p = 0; *(pInput + l + q + 4) != ';' || *(pInput + l + q + 4) != 0; p++);
    pPrice = (char *)malloc(p + 1);
    *(pInput + l + q + 4) = 0;
    strcpy(pPrice, pInput + l + q + 4);
    pr = atoi(pPrice);
    pItem->Price = pr;
    pItem->Total = pr * qu;
    return pItem;

input is 'shirt, 100, 5'. I want the output to be a structure of name, quantity, price and total. It let me type the input but when i press enter it doesn't return anything. The program just hangs...


The last for in Exam is :

for (p = 0; *(pInput + l + q + 4) != ';' || *(pInput + l + q + 4) != 0; p++);

that for never end because its condition is always true

  • if *(pInput + l + q + 4) values ';' the test is false || true then true
  • if *(pInput + l + q + 4) values 0 the test is true || false then true
  • for all the other characters the test is true || true so again true
  • + 4 must be + 3 else goes 1 character too far
  • and p++ has no effect at all on the test

The test can be changed to !(*(pInput + l + q + 3 + p) == ';' || *(pInput + l + q + 3 + p) == 0) to stop when ';' or the null character is reached

Of course after *(pInput + l + q + 4) = 0; must be *(pInput + l + q + 3 + p) = 0;

Note that pQuantity and pPrice are allocated but never freed.

Exam can be simplified, for instance :

ITEM *Exam(const char *pInput)
    ITEM *pItem = (ITEM *)malloc(sizeof(ITEM));
    const char *p;

    p = strchr(pInput, ',');
    pItem->pName = strndup(pInput, p - pInput);
    p += 1;

    pItem->Quantity = atoi(p);
    p = strchr(p, ',') + 1;

    pItem->Price = atoi(p);
    pItem->Total = pItem->Price * pItem->Quantity;

    return pItem;

Note that the input string is not modified (I moved it const) and there is no dynamic allocation except for the result and the name

if you do not have strndup :

char * strndup(const char * s, int n)
    char * r = (char *) malloc(n + 1);

    memcpy(r, s, n);
    r[n] = 0;
    return r;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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