How to adjust the output of kubectl get pods in kubernetes to watch pods status

S Andrew

I have a kubernetes cluster perfectly working fine. I use below command to get the status of all the pods running in my namespace dataspace

kubectl get pods -n dataspace -o wide | sort -k7

Above command gives me the output with below columns.

NAME               READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE
deployment-qw3ed   3/3       Running             3          3d    MACHINE01

Can we adjust above command so that the output looks like below. NODE column should come after the STATUS:

NAME               READY     STATUS     NODE         RESTARTS   AGE       IP            
deployment-qw3ed   3/3       Running    MACHINE01    3          3d    
Ryan Dawson

You can re-arrange the output with awk which loses the pretty column separation but you can then make it pretty again with column:

kubectl get pods -n dataspace -o wide | sort -k7 | awk '{ print $1, $2, $3, $7, $4, $5, $6}' | column -t

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