Pyspark create new data frame with updating few columns from old data frame

Spark user

I want to create new data frame with updating data from few columns in old data frame in pyspark.

I have below data frame with parquet format which has columns like uid, name, start_dt, addr, extid

df ="s3a://testdata?src=ggl")
df1 ="uid")

I have to create a new data frame in parquet with hashed uid and extid and include the remaining columns also. Please suggest how to do this? I am new :(

Sample input:

uid, name, start_dt, addr, extid
1124569-2, abc, 12/02/2018, 343 Beach Dr Newyork NY, 889

Sample output:

uid, name, start_dt, addr, extid
a8ghshd345698cd, abc, 12/02/2018, 343 Beach Dr Newyork NY, shhj676ssdhghje

Here uid and extid are sha256 hashed.

Thanks in advance.

Manoj Singh

You can create a UDF function which call the hashlib.sha256() on the column and use the withColumn to transform the column.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
import hashlib

df ="s3a://testdata?src=ggl")

sha256_udf = F.udf(lambda x: hashlib.sha256(str(x).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), T.StringType()) 
df1 = df.withColumn('uid', sha256_udf('uid')).withColumn('extid', sha256_udf('extid'))

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