Shorter logs in Heroku/Rails 5

Mark Miller

Each line in my Heroku logs contains a verbose amount of information at the beginning:

2018-12-06T17:50:11.193851+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2018-12-06T17:50:11.193690 #4]  INFO -- : [0f0791d6-3aab-4f19-83ad-c421af4a0788] Started GET "/users/edit" for at 2018-12-06 17:50:11 +0000

This makes it hard to read the logs on a small screen.

How can I shorten this to only the message itself?

Started GET "/users/edit" for at 2018-12-06 17:50:11 +0000
Jay Dorsey

If you're not constrained by viewing via the command line there are a number of heroku add-on tools for aggregating and viewing logs that will provide a nicer interface for viewing the logs. Most of them have a free tier and include features such as filtering, hiding columns, etc. You can find them under logging here:

If you are limited to cli tools, you might look at lnav. At a minimum it looks like it allows you to shift the entire log over to one side or the other, along with filtering and other tools.

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