How to change separator in a new file using awk

Sumin Kim

I have a file marks.txt that looks like this separated by spaces.

1)  Amit    Physics  80
2)  Rahul   Maths    90
3)  Shyam   Biology  87
4)  Kedar   English  85
5)  Hari    History  89

I want to convert the separator into ",".
The desired output is this


I found out this can be done by

awk '$1=$1' FS=" " OFS="," marks.txt

However I don't understand what '$1=$1' means.
Also, when I type

awk '{print}' FS=" " OFS=":" marks.txt>test


awk 'BEGIN{OFS=","}1' marks.txt >test

nothing changes. Why? Thank you very much.


You could verify this by yourself by printing lines before and after for testing for it.

awk '{print "BEFORE line-->" $0;$1=$1;print "AFTER line-->" $0}' FS=" " OFS=","  Input_file

Output will be as follows.

BEFORE line-->1)  Amit    Physics  80
AFTER line-->1),Amit,Physics,80
BEFORE line-->2)  Rahul   Maths    90
AFTER line-->2),Rahul,Maths,90
BEFORE line-->3)  Shyam   Biology  87
AFTER line-->3),Shyam,Biology,87
BEFORE line-->4)  Kedar   English  85
AFTER line-->4),Kedar,English,85
BEFORE line-->5)  Hari    History  89
AFTER line-->5),Hari,History,89

By this we could see that $1=$1 re-evaluate value of it and changes whole line's value accordingly.

More explanation from comments: thing is if you re-initiate $1 or $2 or any field whole line be re-evaluated or re-read and it will apply OFS new value then. We write it $1 we could write it $2 eg--> awk '$2=$2' FS=" " OFS="," Input_file

Collected from the Internet

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