Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "items". Expected Array, got String


I have a dropdown in vue js.

<v-flex> <v-select label="Select Province" v-bind:items="listProvince" outline v-model="province" persistent-hint @change="loadCity()"></v-select> 

and in the 'listProvince' I am getting data and displayed in the dropdown but in console I am getting this error Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "items". Expected Array, got String.

This is the vue js code:

    export default {
  props: ["updateView","newBooking"],

  data() {
    return {
      selected: [0],
      shipper: "",
      address: "",
      barangay: "",
      city: "",
      province: "",
      phone: "",
      bookingObject: {},
      isNewBk: false,

Please help me thanks in advance


I got the answer

Here i declared 'province' as string and 'listProvince' as array


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