missing in props validation react/prop-types


The solutions provided when doing my research are based on React class and not React function and I'm just a newbie in React.

From the parent component I'm calling the child component and passing the values as 'data'. In the child component I'm retrieving the value using props.


<ChildComponent data={1}/>


function ChildComponent(props) {
    const { data } = props.data;

The above gives me the following error message:

src\components\ChildComponent\ChildComponent.js Line 5:11: 'data.data' is missing in props validation react/prop-types Line 5:29: 'data' is missing in props validation react/prop-types

Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.

Navneil Naicker

@Denno and @Nick Vu is correct but there might be something else you'll have to add to your child component just before the export.

ChildComponent.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.object

and add import

import PropTypes from "prop-types";

and change this

function ChildComponent(props) {
    const { data } = props.data;


function ChildComponent(props) {
    const data = props.data;

Collected from the Internet

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