Mapstruct mapping - String to List<String>


I am struggling to map a string object from source(Relation.class) and to a List of target(RelationListDTO.class) .

   public class Relation {

    private String name;
    private String email;
    private String completeAddress;

    // getters and setters

public class RelationListDTO {
        private String name;
        private String email;
        private List<Address> address;

        // getters and setters

public class Address{
private String street;
private String city;
// getters and setters

Mapper class


public interface RelationMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "completeAddress", target = "address.get(0).city")
            RelationListDTO relationToListDto(Relation relation);

But it is not working. Could anyone please help.


What you are trying to do using MapStruct is not possible. Because MapStruct doesn't work with run time objects. MapStruct only generated plain java code for mapping two beans. And I find your requirement is little unique. You have a list of Addresses but want to map only city from source object? You can still do like this

@Mapping( target = "address", source = "completeAddress")
RelationListDTO relationToListDto(Relation relation);

// MapStruct will know to use this method to map between a `String` and `List<Address>`
default List<Address> mapAddress(String relation){
      //create new arraylist
      // create new AddressObject and set completeAddress to
     // add that to list and return list


Collected from the Internet

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