How to get specific columns in Laravel Eloquent with pagination?


I use this table schema:

Schema::create('forms', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('name', 255)->default('');


This is the model:

class Form extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;

    protected $fillable = [

    protected $hidden = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at'];

And in the controller I want to show a list of all items of model but only the id and name fileds. Now I use this, but it show all not hidden fields:

public function index() {
    return Form::->paginate(100);

This function is only for the list of forms names. But here is the second one for show a form datas for modify:

public function show(string $id) {
    $item = Form::findOrFail($id);

    return response()->json($item);

Of course this last one function needs to be show all fields (id, name, html and json too).

Is there any best practice to show only fields what I needed in the index() function using with paginate()?

Naveed Ali

If i am not wrong then hopefully you can do it something like this for getting specific columns along with pagination:

return Form::paginate(100,['id','name',.....]);

Collected from the Internet

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