How to print data for a specific value (string) from a data frame (pandas)


I have data that contains fertility rates for different countries and I'd like to: 1. rename columns 2. Print out only specific countries (not using index but names)

Here I import data from website

df = pd.read_html('')

Then I try to rename columns (from '0' to 'Country' and from '1' to 'TFR'):

df= df.rename(index=str, columns ={'0':'Country', '1':'TFR'})

But I get error message:

df = df.rename(index=str, columns ={'0':'Country', '1':'TFR'})
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'rename'

This is the way in which I try to look for specific country:


And I get following error:

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

What am I doing wrong? How to sort it out (if it is possible)? Thank you for your help!


First add parameter header=0 for convert first row of page to header of DataFrame and then add [0] for select first DataFrame from list of DataFrames:

url = ''
df = pd.read_html(url, header=0)[0].rename(columns=d)
print (df.head())
          Country                                   TFR
0     Afghanistan  5.12 children born/woman (2017 est.)
1         Albania  1.51 children born/woman (2017 est.)
2         Algeria   2.7 children born/woman (2017 est.)
3  American Samoa  2.68 children born/woman (2017 est.)
4         Andorra   1.4 children born/woman (2017 est.)

Last filter by new column name:

      Country                                   TFR
204  Tanzania  4.77 children born/woman (2017 est.)

Collected from the Internet

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