how to make multiple http calls synchronously at different levels in angular 2 using rxJS

Arunsai B K

I want to make multiple http calls synchronously at different levels in angular 2 using rxJS For Eg , I am having a resolver service which handles 5 api calls like a,b,c,d and e.

I want them to execute in this order and I am not using any of those output values as input so I need all responses only at end.

first a should be called and once api is completed second b,c, d third after b,c,d completed then e should be called

In activated Route , I need to retrieve those values and use it I have already tried below stuff but I am getting response of A and E only and I could not able to fetch the values from inner observable

 return A.flatMap(data=> {
      return forkJoin (
                  }).flatMap(xres => {
                                 return E

If you have one resolver that takes care of all 5 requests, in order to ensure their order of execution, then it would make sense to return the results of those 5 requests as one element. Try with the following:

import {Observable, forkJoin} from 'rxjs';
import {mergeMap, map} from 'rxjs/operators';

interface AFoo { }
interface BFoo { }
interface CFoo { }
interface DFoo { }
interface EFoo { }

class FooService {
  doA(): Observable<AFoo> { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
  doB(): Observable<BFoo> { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
  doC(): Observable<CFoo> { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
  doD(): Observable<DFoo> { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
  doE(): Observable<EFoo> { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }

interface CompositeFoo {
  aFoo: AFoo;
  bFoo: BFoo;
  cFoo: CFoo;
  dFoo: DFoo;
  eFoo: EFoo;

export class FooResolver implements Resolve<CompositeFoo>{
  constructor(private fooService: FooService) { }
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<CompositeFoo> {
    const forked$ = forkJoin(this.fooService.doB(), this.fooService.doC(), this.fooService.doD())
                    .pipe(map(([bFoo, cFoo, dFoo]) => ({ bFoo, cFoo, dFoo })));
    return this.fooService.doA()
      mergeMap(aFoo => forked$.pipe(map(forked => ({ ...forked, aFoo })))),
      mergeMap(result => this.fooService.doE().pipe(map(eFoo => ({ eFoo, ...result })))),
      map(result => ({ ...result }))

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