Select a specific row with additional column that its value is from another column in one table


Suppose I have a table named users consist of columns: user_id, user_name, user_created_by.

|    user_id       +      user_name       +  user_created_by  +
|        1         |        John          |         1         |
|        2         |        Ann           |         1         |
|        3         |        Paul          |         2         |
|        4         |        King          |         2         |
|        5         |        Dirk          |         3         |

The value of user_created_by is the user_id who created that record. Now, I want to make a query that results one specific row with added column let's say user_created_by_name which is the user_name of the user_id from the user_created_by. Suppose we want to get "Paul"'s record with who (the name) create it (temporary new column). For ease of understanding this is my expected result:

| user_id  |   user_name  |  user_created_by  |  user_created_by_name  |
|    3     |     Paul     |        2          |          Ann           |

this is my query using codeigniter:

$query=$this->db->query("SELECT *, 
                           (SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_id = user_created_by) 
                              AS "user_created_by_name" FROM users WHERE user_id=3);

But my result are:

| user_id  |   user_name  |  user_created_by  |  user_created_by_name  |
|    3     |     Paul     |        2          |         NULL           |

You culd use a self join (join the same table two time) using alias for fere to the tables as different sets of data

SELECT a.user_id, a.user_name, a.user_created_by, b.user_name as user_created_by_name
from users a 
inner join user b on a.user_created_by = b.user_id 
where a.user_id  = 3 

Collected from the Internet

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