How to fire jQuery function on click event but only after the page is loaded?


I have a button that requests information from another site. This call is quite large and takes a couple of seconds to receive the response. Once I receive the response I want to display a modal to the user with some info from the response.

So my question is, how do I show the modal on click of my button, but only once I receive the payload back with the info needed to construct the message? Please take note that the web service call is not done in JavaScript. I am storing my message to the user in a hidden element on the page for the JS to pick up.

Here is what I have tried and hopefully explains what I am trying to accomplish.

$("#get_cost").click(function() {
    var myMessage = $("#responseEle").val();
    swal("Success!", myMessage, "success");

Btw... swal is just which is really cool but not related to my question.

Adrian Brand

You can poll every second for the condition you are looking for with a timeout. Run checkDone function on the button click.

let done = false;

function checkDone() {
  if (done) {
  } else {
    setTimeout(checkDone, 1000); // Run checkDone again in 1,000 milliseconds


setTimeout(() => { done = true; }, 5000);

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