How can I access a method of a class from a generic method

Pedro Todorovski

I'm working on a tiny exercise java program that calculates circle and square (classes) area, that implements surface (interface) which has a method called area(). A requirement is that I have to implement a class called SumArea that has a generic method called calcArea() that receives Circle circ[] and Square square[] arrays and executes area calculation.

Program structure:

-> (main method)
-> (interface)
-> (class that implements
-> (class that implements
-> (class that executes calcArea() method)

public class UseSumArea {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Square square[] = { new Square(2.0), new Square(5.0) };
            Circle circ[] = { new Circle(3.0), new Circle(2.0) };
            Surface surf[] = new Surface[square.length + circ.length];
            surf[0] = square[0];
            surf[1] = square[1];
            surf[2] = circ[0];
            surf[3] = circ[1];
            SumArea sum = new SumArea();
            System.out.println("Square's sum area = " + sum.calcArea(square));
            System.out.println("Circle's sum area = " + sum.calcArea(circ));
            System.out.println("Surface's sum area = " + sum.calcArea(surf));

public interface Surface {
    public double area();

public class Square implements Surface {

private double area;
private double side;

public Square(double l) {
    this.side = l;

public double area() {
    return this.area = (this.side)*(this.side);

public double getArea() {
    return area;

public void setArea(double area) {
    this.area = area;

public double getSide() {
    return side;

public void setSide(double side) {
    this.side = side;


public class Circle implements Surface {

private double area;
private double radius;

public Circle (double r) {
    this.radius = r;

public double area() {
    return area = (((this.radius)*(this.radius))*(Math.PI));

public double getRadius() {
    return radius;

public void setRadius(double raio) {
    this.raio = raio;

public double getArea() {
    return area;

public void setArea(double area) {
    this.area = area;


public class SumArea {

private double area;

public <T> double calcArea(T[] t) { //generic method that receives Square and Circle arrays
    double arrayArea = 0;
    for (T a : t) {
        arrayArea = arrayArea+(a.area()); 
    return this.area = arrayArea;

My doubt is over this SumArea's code snippet:

arrayArea= arrayArea+(a.area());

How can I access the area() method of each Circle and Square objects inside this generic method?

Andy Turner

You need to bound the type variable:

public <T extends Surface> double calcArea(T[] t) {

or just declare the parameter as an array of Surfaces:

public double calcArea(Surface[] t) {

Note that the latter is preferable because generics and arrays don't play very nicely together. If you were to need to have a type variable for other reasons, it would be advisable to change to a Collection, or similar:

public <T extends Surface> double calcArea(Collection<T> t) {

(And, as a minor matter of preference, I would use S rather than T to name a type variable which extends Surface)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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