Use dummy API key for Travis CI


My Android app uses Google Payments and I store the API Keys in a values xml that is not added to VCS (used .gitignore file). I reference the value as R.string.api_licence from my code.

When I setup travis for CI, it was complaining that R.string.api_licence was not found. As a work around, I checked in a dummy text file with empty value for the key and rename the extension to xml from travis build script.

While this is working for now,
1 - This doesn't seem like a perfect solution
2 - Android Studio complains that the dummy txt file name should be of xml extension, and I have to delete it locally to work, which leads me to accidentally commit and break the builds sometimes

Travis script file:

Notes: I am a self taught Android developer. I don't require the real API keys to be used for CI process. I did some considerable research on this topic and couldn't get a specific answer to my problem.


I think the following approach can be used for solving this issue. I never got to test this as I changed my API implementation and may not need to store the API key in the source code.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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