How do I convert Java collections into Scala in Cassandra Datastax driver

Manu Chadha

The schema of my Cassandra table is

id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
description text,
messages list<text>,
image list<blob>,
primary text,
tags set<text>,
title text,
more text

I am able to retrieve a ResultSet from the table but I don't know how to map it into my model. The Scala class I want to model the row into is

case class Data (id: Option[UUID],
                              description: String,
                              messages: List[String],
                              image: Array[Byte], 
                              first: String,
                              tags: Set[String],
                              title: String,

I know that the function Row.getString("column name") coverts text into String but I don't know what to do to convert the list<text>, list<blob> and set<text> into scala classes.

Chaitanya Waikar

To extract set from resultSet and convert it to scala set, you can define a function as follows :-

 def convertToScalaSet(row: Row, columnName: String): Set[String] = 

    val mayBeSet = Option(row.getSet(columnName, "String".getClass).toSet[String])

    mayBeSet match {
      case Some(set) if set.size > 0 => set
      case _ => Set[String]() //this case will cover both the possibilities of set being empty or none value

On Similar lines you can create a function that will convert to scala list

  def convertToScalaList(row: Row, columnName: String): List[String] = 

    val mayBeList = Option(row.getList(columnName, "String".getClass).toList)

    mayBeList match {
      case Some(list) if list.size > 0 => list
      case _ => List[String]() //this case will cover both the possibilities of list being empty or none value

In your code then, you could call these methods as follows

  val row =

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