Autofac System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null. Parameter name: context

Muhammad Ali

I created autofac instance per matching lifetime scope and create child scope if parent scope already exist but i got exception.

Please see the code and stack trace below.


public static class App {
   private static AsyncLocal<ILifetimeScope> _upperScope;

   public static AsyncLocal<int> Number = new AsyncLocal<int>();

   public static ILifetimeScope NewScope(IContainer container) {
        if (_upperScope?.Value != null)
           return _upperScope.Value.BeginLifetimeScope();

        _upperScope = new AsyncLocal<ILifetimeScope> {Value = container.BeginLifetimeScope("test")};
        _upperScope.Value.CurrentScopeEnding += (sender, args) => _upperScope.Value = null;
        return _upperScope.Value;

public void Test1() {
     var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
     var container = containerBuilder.Build();

     var tasks = new List<Task>();

     tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => {
         using (var scope = App.NewScope(container)) {

     tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => {
         using (var scope = App.NewScope(container)) {


Click here for stack trace

Cyril Durand

You get this error because you assigned the AsyncLocal<T> more than once instead of only once. You should instantiate it once and then assign the Value property multiple time, this property will be unique per thread.

ie :

private static AsyncLocal<ILifetimeScope> _upperScope = new AsyncLocal<ILifetimeScope>();

and then

_upperScope.Value = container.BeginLifetimeScope("test");

Collected from the Internet

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