Passing a string within brackets to another string


My question relates to JS and custom elements.

I have the following code:

let product=this.getProduct(message['productname']);

What I am not clear about is that message is a string above...

What is the result of passing a string within brackets (i.e. ['productname']) to another string (i.e. message)?

As in here:


What is the name for this notation/syntax?

The full listing can be found below:

import { Component, TemplateRef, Renderer2, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { BsModalRef, BsModalService } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal';

export class Product {
  public productname:string;
  public code: string;
  public cartprice: number;
  public price: number;
  public available: number;
  public qty: number;


  selector: 'product-cart',
  templateUrl: './productcart.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./productcart.component.css'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
export class ProductCartComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

  public productlist : Product[]; 
  public totalprice=0;
  public ngOnInit(): void {
  constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {
  set message(message: string) {
  get message(): string { return this._message; }
  _message: string;

  processMessage(message) {
    let product=this.getProduct(message['productname']);
    if(product !== undefined) {
      product.qty=product.qty + 1;
     } else if(message !== "" && message !== undefined) {
      product = new Product();
      product.price=(message['price']!== undefined)?message['price']:0;
      product.productname=(message['productname'] !== undefined)?message['productname']:"";
      product.available=(message['available'] !== undefined)?message['available']:0;
      product.code=(message['code'] !== undefined)?message['code']:"";
      product.cartprice=(message['price'] !== undefined)?message['price']:0;


  getProduct(productname) : Product {
    let productObj=undefined;
    for(let product of this.productlist) {
      if(product.productname === productname) {
  return productObj;
  ngOnDestroy() {
  increment(product) {
    if(product.qty >= 0 && product.qty < product.available) {
      product.qty =product.qty + 1;
      product.cartprice = product.cartprice + product.price;
      this.totalprice = this.totalprice + product.price;

  decrement(product) {
    if(product.qty > 0 && product.qty <= product.available) {
      product.qty =product.qty - 1;
      product.cartprice = product.cartprice - product.price;
      this.totalprice = this.totalprice - product.price;
  sendMessageToProductView(product) {
    const productviewele = document.querySelector('product-view');
    if(productviewele != null) {

Edit: I can confirm that message is of type object and not string. The setter parameter is mistyped as hinted by Jonas.


message['productname'] would be the same as message.productname, which will be undefined if message is a string. If message is an object, it will be the productnameproperty.

So the code:

product.productname=(message['productname'] !== undefined)?message['productname']:"";

seems to be getting the productname if message is an object and "" if it is a string.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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