How can I find the wordpress theme name from live website?

Toufa Tabassum

I visited a website and found that the site was developed by Wordpress. But I don't know how to find the theme name that was used to develop that site. How can I find theme theme name from any live site. I am searching this theme name of this site : Or is there any way to find theme html theme of this similar site?

Sharif Mohammad Eunus is using custom theme fcinq

to find out theme name go to the site. press ctrl + u

you will find all source code of that site. Now ctrl + f and search for wp-content/themes/

wp-content/themes/*** //in place of *** you will see the theme name.

another way to find the theme name is press ctrl + u and ctrl + f search for style.css. open it, at the very beginning of that css file search for Theme Name

or search for wp theme detector on google.

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