How do I explicitly declare the type of the variable as object in Haxe?


If I have a variable called str that is a String, I can do the following

var str:String = "value";

However, I don't know what kind of type I need to use for a generic object like this

var myObj:???? = {
  key1: value1,
  key2: value2

I know I don't need to declare it but I still want to know what the proper text is in place of ????

Type.typeof() says it's a TObject but I can't use that.


If you plan on reusing this structure you should look at defining a Class or Typedef. Otherwise, you don't necessarily have to provide a type. You could just do the following and let the compiler assign its own type:

var myObj = {
      key1: "foo",
      key2: "bar"

If using a typedef you would do like:

typedef FooBar = {
  var foo : String;
  var bar : String;
var myObj:FooBar = {
  foo: "foo",
  bar: "bar"

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