find -exec cmd {} + vs | xargs

dogbane :

Which one is more efficient over a very large set of files and should be used?

find . -exec cmd {} +


find . | xargs cmd

(Assume that there are no funny characters in the filenames)

Tometzky :

Speed difference will be insignificant.

But you have to make sure that:

  1. Your script will not assume that no file will have space, tab, etc in file name; the first version is safe, the second is not.

  2. Your script will not treat a file starting with "-" as an option.

So your code should look like this:

find . -exec cmd -option1 -option2 -- {} +


find . -print0 | xargs -0 cmd -option1 -option2 --

The first version is shorter and easier to write as you can ignore 1, but the second version is more portable and safe, as "-exec cmd {} +" is a relatively new option in GNU findutils (since 2005, lots of running systems will not have it yet) and it was buggy recently. Also lots of people do not know this "-exec cmd {} +", as you can see from other answers.

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