How to convert int variable and append to const wchar_t*

Master James

I need a final query like this:
const wchar_t *fin = L"UPDATE info SET status = 'closed' where age = '12'";

If the function receives a value I want to append something like this:
const wchar_t *fin = L"UPDATE info SET status = 'closed' where age = " + convertedAge;

Here is my update function code:

void updateDB(int passAge){
   std::wstring myString;
   convertedAge= std::to_wstring(passAge);
   const wchar_t* fin = L"UPDATE info SET status = 'closed' where age = " + convertedAge;

How to convert that integer variable in order append that one in const wchar_t*and act as a single query?


The C++ standard string class includes a .c_str() function just for such situations.

void updateDB(int passAge){
   std::wstring myString = L"UPDATE info SET status = 'closed' where age = '" 
                        + std::to_wstring(passAge) + L"'";
   const wchar_t* fin = convertedAge.c_str();

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