How do I use the mousein event in modern browsers?

Andrey Mikhaylov - lolmaus

There are two pointer exit events: mouseout and mouseleave.

The difference between the two is that mouseleave fires only when the pointer leaves the watched element, while mouseout fires when the pointer leaves the watched element or any of its children.

When you move the pointer in and out of an element, mouseleave fires exactly once, while mouseout may fire more than once, depending on the number of children you hovered over.

The question is: where is the mousein equivalent of mouseout? On MDN, only mouseleave, mouseout and mouseenter are documented.

For a rare use case, I need to run code on every element that the pointer enters, including dynamically created ones. mousein would solve this for me, but it does not seem to exist anymore.


The question is: where is the mousein equivalent of mouseout

The corresponding event to mouseout is mouseover, and for mouseleave it is mouseenter.

Their main difference is that that mouseleave/mouseenter does not bubble, which is well explained in e.g. MDN, but in short

  • mouseleave is fired when the pointer has exited the element and all of its descendants, whereas mouseout is fired when the pointer leaves the element or leaves one of the element's descendants (even if the pointer is still within the element).

  • mouseover, it differs from mouseenter in that it doesn't bubble and that it isn't sent when the pointer is moved from one of its descendants' physical space to its own physical space.

Collected from the Internet

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