Javascript css display none display block transition


CSS can't make a transition from display: none to display: block for that i'm trying to make it using javascript i don't want to use visibility: hidden and height: 0 or transform: scale(0)

for that i'm using javascript to make a transition from display: none to display: block

The code below work when i add the active class the transition working fine, But when i remove the class active the transition it's not working

How can i make the transition work in both when i add and when i remove the class active using javascript and css ?

let parents = document.querySelectorAll('.parent');

parents.forEach(p => {
    p.addEventListener("click",() => {
            setTimeout(function () {
              }, 20);
            setTimeout(function () {
              }, 20);

.link-inner {
cursor: pointer;

.toggle {
    opacity: 0;
    display: none;
    transition: all .5s ease-in-out;
} {
    display: block;
} {
    opacity: 1;
    <div class="link">
    <div class="link-inner parent">
        <div class="linkText">
    <div class="linkInfo toggle ">
    <a href="#" target="_blank">link 1</a>

    <div class="link">
    <div class="link-inner parent">
        <div class="linkText">
    <div class="linkInfo toggle ">
    <a href="#" target="_blank">link 2</a>


You were actually really nearly there. You just had to swap the calls when removing classes and add a bit more of a delay in your setTimeout

let parents = document.querySelectorAll('.parent');

parents.forEach(p => {
    p.addEventListener("click",() => {
            // remove the class that sets opacity so it fades away
            setTimeout(function () {
                // remove the class that sets display: block after the opacity is gone
              }, 500);
        } else {
                function () {


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