How to set cron job run every hour and stop run 6 pm

Puwanut ladplee

Set Cron job Cpanel

Ex. start 9 am. - 6 pm.

How can I do that?Can anyone help me?

Anuj Kumar

The below values will start your cron job every hour from 9 AM to 6 PM.
0 9-18 * * *
It could be said that this job would run “At minute 0 past every hour from 9 through 18.”

Here, 0 is the minute, 9-18 represents 9 AM to 6PM (24hr format), next three * represents any date, month and day respectively.

Say, If you want to run this cron job only on Monday to Friday, from 9AM to 6PM you can try this:
0 9-18 * * 1-5
For above values, It could be said that the set cron job would run “At minute 0 past every hour from 9 through 18 on every day-of-week from Monday through Friday.”

You can read this link to know how to set these values for a cron job in Cpanel here

Collected from the Internet

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