Assigning one of many values to object's property


I want to parse a firebase auth credentials object which is differently formatted for various sign in methods.

For example for password sign up the data I want are in credentials directly, but for facebook or google login the data I want are in credentials.user

So I have this function going:

parseCredentials(credentials: any): User {
    const parsedCredentials: User = {
      displayName: credentials.displayName || credentials.user.displayName,
      email: ||,
      emailVerified: credentials.emailVerified || credentials.user.emailVerified,
      uid: credentials.uid || credentials.user.uid
    return parsedCredentials;

As you can see I use the function to return a new User object based on the credentials passed to the fn, because I don't need unnecessary information in the User object.

The problem is when I sing up with email-password I get error: credentials.user is undefined

I think is something wrong with the || operators. It seems that credentials.user is undefined (because the user property does not exist on credentials object when signing up with email-password).

But thats why I used the || operator. Struggling with this for a while but I can't figure out. Hope you can give some help. Thanks.


Your approach is correct.

In each case, what's on the right-hand side of the || is not evaluated if what's on the left is not undefined.

Most likely the error is due to credentials.displayName being undefined, which means that the program will try to evaluate credentials.user.displayName.

Collected from the Internet

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