i want to toggle between two functions this code works only one time but i want to make it work each time i click

Mouloud Zerouti
let callOne = true;
let hamburger = document.getElementById("hamburger");

hamburger.addEventListener("click", (e) => {toggleFct();});

function one() {t1.play();callOne = false;}

function two() {t0.play(); callOne = true;}

function toggleFct() { callOne ? one() : two();}

let t1 = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, reversed: true });

t1.to(".div-first", { ease: "power2.in", x: "-200%", duration: 2 });

t1.to(".div-second", { ease: "power2.in", x: "-300%", duration: 2 },"-=2");

t1.to(".div-third", { ease: "power2.in", x: "-400%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

t1.to(header, { ease: "power2.in", x: "-400%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

t1.to(wrap, { ease: "power2.in", x: "-400%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

let t0 = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, reversed: true });

t0.to(".div-first", { ease: "power2.in", x: "100%", duration: 2 });

t0.to(".div-second", { ease: "power2.in", x: "200%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

t0.to(".div-third", { ease: "power2.in", x: "300%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

t0.to(header, { ease: "power2.in", x: "400%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

t0.to(wrap, { ease: "power2.in", x: "0%", duration: 2 }, "-=2");

Hangover Sound Sound

When I try to do the following :

let callOne = true;

function one() {console.log("one");callOne = false;}

function two() {console.log("two"); callOne = true;}

function toggleFct() { callOne ? one() : two();}

It works just fine...

btw you can rewrite

hamburger.addEventListener("click", (e) => {toggleFct();});


hamburger.addEventListener("click", toggleFct)

Collected from the Internet

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