How to get singular value from a generator?

Lorenzo Ang

I'm writing an app to monitor chicken deaths in a poultry farm and have the following code:

today =
deaths = (sum(cd.count) for cd in ChickenDeath.objects.filter(, today.month, 1)))

My problem is it just prints out <generator object chickens_overview.<locals>.<genexpr> at 0x110010678> instead of the actual sum. I've tried next(deaths) as well however I just get the error 'int' object not iterable. Is there another way to get the value from this generator?

Daniel Roseman

You shouldn't be returning a generator at all here. The generator should be the input to the sum function.

At the moment, you're effectively creating a list of items, each of which is the "sum" of a single value. That's why you get the error about not iterable; it's cd.count that is not iterable, because it's a single value and you can't sum that.

I suspect what you meant was to sum all the counts:

deaths = sum(cd.count for cd in ChickenDeath.objects.filter(...))

but that is not the right thing to do. You should ask the database to do the sum for you:

from django.db.models import Sum
deaths = ChickenDeath.objects.filter(...).aggregate(total=Sum('count'))

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