How to capture last part of the git url using shell script?


I am writing a Jenkins pipeline. I am trying to capture last part of the git url without the git extension. For instance: I want only xxxx-yyyy to be returned. Below is my code:

String getProjectName() {
    echo "inside getProjectName +++++++"
    # projectName = sh(
    #         script: "git config --get remote.origin.url",
    #         returnStdout: true
    # ).trim()
    def projectName= sh returnStdout:true, script: '''
    GIT_LOG = $(env -i git config --get remote.origin.url)
    echo $GIT_LOG
    basename -s .git "$GIT_LOG"; '''
    echo "projectName: ${projectName}"
    return projectName

PS: Please ignore the commented lines of code.


No space before and after =:

basename "$x" .git



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