Python - how to extract href using BeautifulSoup without selenium (onclick)


this is element.

<img src=";no=24b0d769e1d32ca73fef84fa11d028318f52c0eeb141bee560297996d466c894cf2d16427672bba3d66d67f244141456484cb174854719ce631af568a8c297d4e29cc59286bf0d77bcf8d9267e7297e17913fdd84522b3d3" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="javascript:imgPop(';no=24b0d769e1d32ca73fef84fa11d028318f52c0eeb141bee560297996d466c894cf2d16427672bba3d66d67f24450460016bd8e2258cb95ccf2b058e84f237054da6dbbc48af67310bf0bff50c529f1331053edf6','image','fullscreen=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no');">

i want to extract here ""

how to extract it?

Maxim Kukhtenkov

This should work with BeautifulSoup v3 and v4.

content = """
    <img src=";no=24b0d769e1d32ca73fef84fa11d028318f52c0eeb141bee560297996d466c894cf2d16427672bba3d66d67f244141456484cb174854719ce631af568a8c297d4e29cc59286bf0d77bcf8d9267e7297e17913fdd84522b3d3" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="javascript:imgPop(';no=24b0d769e1d32ca73fef84fa11d028318f52c0eeb141bee560297996d466c894cf2d16427672bba3d66d67f24450460016bd8e2258cb95ccf2b058e84f237054da6dbbc48af67310bf0bff50c529f1331053edf6','image','fullscreen=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no');">

soup = BeautifulSoup(content)

onclick = soup.find('img').get('onclick')

js_item = onclick.split(',')[0]

link = js_item.replace('javascript:imgPop(', '').replace("'", "")

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