Port forward with Ansible and firewalld


I am experimenting with Ansible and want to set a port forward rule in firewalld.

I've tried the following:

  - name: Port forward for 443
    become: true
        - port: 443
          proto: tcp
          toport: 2443
      state: enabled

This resulted in:

ERROR: Exception caught: queryForwardPort() got an unexpected keyword argument ''to_port''

If I format it as a list it says

Only one port forward supported at a time

and if I format it as a dict I get:

argument port_forward is of type <class ''dict''> and we were unable to convert to list: <class ''dict''> cannot be converted to a list'

I'm using a Debian 11 VM with Ansible 2.10.8. I've installed the latest ansible.posix (1.3.0) as the included version was older (1.1.1). I can manually create the rule on the target machine (OEL 8).

This is as far as I got using the documentation.

Any idea how to get this working?
Thank you in advance!


At a short glance there seems to be syntax errors. The first error message says

ERROR: Exception caught: queryForwardPort() got an unexpected keyword argument ''to_port''

to_port, whereby it should be toport according the linked documentation of the firewalld_module. Since your are on ansible.posix.collections v1.3.0 and there is bug report open according Ansible Collections Ansible Posix Issue #247, were downgrading to v1.2.0 fix the issue, another approach might be according Ansible Issue #28349 using the parameter rich_rule. That would work for v1.1.1 too.

- name: Redirect port 443 to 8443
    rich_rule: rule family={{ item }} forward-port port=443 protocol=tcp to-port=8443
    zone:      public
    permanent: true
    immediate: true
    state:     enabled
    - ipv4
    - ipv6

To get the older version you could use

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix:1.2.0

The syntax error is in the file ansible.posix/plugins/modules/firewalld.py and seems to be simple enough that one can fix it on hisself locally on behalf.

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