Error while using multiple quotes

Aakash k.u.

I have written:

ssh $ip_address "grep -i 20-10-2018 | awk -F "," '{print $2",""open_"$5}' result.csv" | while read line
        echo $Date":00:00",$line

This is throwing this error:

awk: {print ,open_} awk: ^ syntax error

Can anyone help?


Use a heredoc to run your commands over ssh:

ssh "$ip_address" << 'EOF'                 # shell will pass the heredoc as is to ssh because the end marker EOF is in quotes
    grep -i 20-10-2018 result.csv |        # I guess you meant to pass result.csv to grep, rather than awk
    awk -F "," '{ print $2",open_"$5 }' |  # good to put the parts of the pipeline on different lines for better readability
    while read line; do
      echo $Date":00:00",$line             # not sure what you mean by $Date here - probably $(date)?

I am not sure what you mean by echo $Date":00:00". I left that part intact.

See this post to understand how to quote awk commands:

Another useful post about using quotes in shell:

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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