How to convert an array of integers to array of enums?

idclev 463035818

I have an array of integers and need to convert it to an array of enums.

enum my_enum {
    int getColorAsInt() { ... }
int[] foo = some_method_i_cannot_modify();
my_enum[] bar = ??? ( foo );

What is the easiest way to do that?

Here I found a way to convert a single integer to an enum value (they are using a Color enum in their example):

public static Color convertIntToColor(int iColor) {
    for (Color color : Color.values()) {
        if (color.getColorAsInt() == iColor) {
            return color;
    return null;

... but I hope there is a more direct way to do that conversion (otherwise in my code it doesnt make sense to use an enum in the first place).

Here is a SO question about converting a single integer to enum value.


It depends on what is in your foo array. If it is the ordinals of the enums then something as simple as this should suffice.

enum my_enum { APPLE, BANANA, ORANGE };
int[] foo = {0,2,2,1};
public void test(String[] args) {
    my_enum[] bar = new my_enum[foo.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < foo.length; i++) {
        bar[i] = my_enum.values()[foo[i]];



A streams equivalent would be something like:

    my_enum[] es =
            .mapToObj(i -> my_enum.values()[i])

Collected from the Internet

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