Pick color or symbol of marker in Plotly r on a group by condition

Viswanath Ramanan
| Id | Time | Value |
|  1 | A    |     1 |
|  2 | B    |    10 |
|  2 | C    |     3 |
|  2 | D    |     6 |
|  3 | E    |     2 |
|  4 | F    |     9 |
|  4 | G    |     4 |
|  4 | H    |    17 |

I have data like above (simplified). I have drawn this using a scatter plot using plot-ly with Id as the X axis and value as the Y axis. Now based on the time column, I want the most recent entry for the Id field to have a specific shape/symbol. How can I do this using plot-ly and r?

Maurits Evers

I would add a column to flag the last entry, then use that column as an aesthetic .

For example, in ggplot:

df %>%
    group_by(Id) %>%
        rowNo = 1:n(),
        isLast = factor(ifelse(rowNo == n(), 1, 0))) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = Id, y = Value, shape = isLast)) + geom_point()

enter image description here

And similarly for plot_ly.

df %>%
    group_by(Id) %>%
        rowNo = 1:n(),
        isLast = factor(ifelse(rowNo == n(), 1, 0))) %>%
    plot_ly(x = ~Id, y = ~Value, symbol = ~isLast)

Sample data

df <- read.table(text =
    "Id  Time Value
1 A  1
2 B 10
2 C  3
2 D  6
3 E  2
4 F  9
4 G  4
4 H 17", header = T)

Collected from the Internet

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Plotly | ValueError: Invalid element(s) received for the 'symbol' property of scatter.marker. Invalid elements include: [['circle']]