SQL: select date rows that contain specific hour and minute

MathMan 99

I am querying a table that has the date column as follows:

2021-03-08 05:05:31+00
2021-03-08 05:10:31+00

How can I select all the rows that contain 05:05 as the hour and minute in SQL? i.e. rows where hour = 05, and minute = 05. In this case it will be the first row.


Q: How can I select all the rows that contain 05:05 as the hour and minute in SQL?

A: For MySQL, look in the MySql Date and Time functions. There, you'll find Extract().

You can use it as follows:


Extract the minute from a datetime:

SELECT EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM "2017-06-15 09:34:21");

This assumes that you're storing the column as a "Date" type.

Different RDBMS vendors have different Date/Time functions. You'll have to read the documentation and experiment to determine which syntax to use for your particular DB vendor and your particular table schema.

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