How to reference the type hint of a function


Is there a way in python's type hinting to say "function with the same signature as this one"?

The following works, but writing out the signature an extra time is required:

from typing import Callable

fn_sig = Callable[[int], bool]  # can I get rid of this?
def callme(a: int) -> bool:
    return a > 1

def do_something(cb: fn_sig):

ie I want to write something like:

def do_something(cb: Callable[callme]):


def do_something(cb: callme):

But neither seems to be valid. (python 3.6.3, mypy 0.570)

Display Name

First, you can retrieve structured data about the signature of the function from __annotations__:

def callme(a: int) -> bool:
    return a > 1


# prints {'a': <class 'int'>, 'return': <class 'bool'>}

From here, you could work on a function that will convert it to the type as you want.

Update: a crude and probably not universal way to do just that:

import typing
from typing import Callable

def callme(a: int) -> bool:
    return a > 1

def get_function_type(fn):
    annotations = typing.get_type_hints(fn)
    return_type = annotations.get('return', None)
    arg_types = []
    for k, v in annotations.items():
        if k != 'return':
    return Callable[arg_types, return_type]

def example(f: get_function_type(callme)):

# prints 'typing.Callable[[int], bool]'
# prints 'typing.Callable[[typing.Callable[[int], bool]], NoneType]'

Collected from the Internet

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