How to loop through all nested dictionary to give all the parent key concatenated and its value

dictionary={' items': { 'heading': 'Maps','description':'Maps123','imagepath':/music/images/','config':{'config1':12,'config2':123}},'db':{'username':'xyz','password':'xyz'},'version':'v1'}

I want the output in the format:

items/heading: Maps

items/description: Maps123

items/image_path: /music/images/v2/web_api-music.png

items/config/config1: abcd

items/config/config2: hello

db/username: xyz

db/password: xyz

version: v1

The answer of script0 results in an output that starts with a forward slash (/). I modified script0's code a little:

def flatten(x, parent=''):
    for key in x.keys():
        if isinstance(x[key], dict) and parent == '': flatten(x[key], key)
        elif isinstance(x[key], dict) and parent != '': flatten(x[key], f"{parent}/{key}")
        elif not isinstance(x[key], dict) and parent == '': print(f"{key}: {x[key]}")
        else: print(f"{parent}/{key}: {x[key]}")

dictionary= {'items': { 'heading': 'Maps','description':'Maps123','imagepath':'/music/images/','config':{'config1':12,'config2':123}},'db':{'username':'xyz','password':'xyz'},'version':'v1'}


Output (without the leading /):

items/heading: Maps
items/description: Maps123
items/imagepath: /music/images/
items/config/config1: 12
items/config/config2: 123
db/username: xyz
db/password: xyz
version: v1

Please note that you could also create a new dictionary with the left-hand side of the output as the keys and the right-hand side as the values.

For example:

new_dict = {}

def flatten(x, parent=''):
    for key in x.keys():
        if isinstance(x[key], dict) and parent == '': flatten(x[key], key)
        elif isinstance(x[key], dict) and parent != '': flatten(x[key], f"{parent}/{key}")
        elif not isinstance(x[key], dict) and parent == '': new_dict[key] = x[key]
        else: new_dict[f"{parent}/{key}"] = x[key]

dictionary= {'items': { 'heading': 'Maps','description':'Maps123','imagepath':'/music/images/','config':{'config1':12,'config2':123}},'db':{'username':'xyz','password':'xyz'},'version':'v1'}



{'items/heading': 'Maps', 'items/description': 'Maps123', 'items/imagepath': '/music/images/', 'items/config/config1': 12, 'items/config/config2': 123, 'db/username': 'xyz', 'db/password': 'xyz', 'version': 'v1'}

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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