How to delete rows using 2 different collumns as condition in a SQL QUERY?

jaymzleutz :

My table is something like this:

Name       Order      Goods       Date
Michael     1         Shoes          2019/04/05
Michael     2         Groceries      2019/05/28
Michael     3         Caps           2019/03/02
Lucas       4         Shoes          2019/02/30
Lucas       5         Caps           2019/03/31
Mary        6         Shoes          2018/04/22 
Mary        7         Shoes          2018/03/25
Mary        8         Groceries      2017/08/22
Mary        9         Caps           2019/01/01

How to define a Query so that I can delete rows obbeying the following conditions?

  1. First and Foremost I want to group everything by the Name collumn;

  2. "Shoes" is my reference. I need to check If any customer has bought "Shoes" and will keep any other Goods registered if and only if the buying date is earlier than the "Shoes" buying date of that customer (grouped by the Name collumn)(i.e if any good other than Shoes has been bought after the Shoes buying date, this any other good row will be deleted).

  3. I keep only the first buying date of Shoes to compare. Newer dates are deleted too. Only the first one (older one) is kept.

So, I will have a table like below:

Michael 1 Shoes      2019/04/05
Michael 3 Caps       2019/03/02
Lucas   4 Shoes      2019/02/30
Mary    7 Shoes      2018/03/25
Mary    8 Groceries  2017/08/22

Thank you


You can join an aggregate query that computes the first date when each customer ordered shoes, and use that information to filter the rows to delete:

delete t
from mytable t
inner join (
    select name, min(date) min_date 
    from mytable 
    where goods = 'Shoes' 
    group by name
) t1 on = and > t1.min_date

Demo on DB Fiddle:

Name    | OrderID | Goods     | Date      
:------ | ------: | :-------- | :---------
Michael |       1 | Shoes     | 2019-04-05
Michael |       3 | Caps      | 2019-03-02
Lucas   |       4 | Shoes     | 2019-02-28
Mary    |       7 | Shoes     | 2018-03-25
Mary    |       8 | Groceries | 2017-08-22

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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