angular 2 router.navigate doesn't work with electron IPC callback


I am developing and angular 2 application with electron. Here's what i am trying to do.
I have a next button in html <button (click) = nextButtonClickedHandler()>

the nextButtonClickedHandler is described as follows:

public nextButtonClickedHandler() {

private public afterResponseReceived() {
  this._router.navigate(['/next', 'route']);

public requestElectronMainProccess(callbackFn: Function) {
  this._electronService.send('request', 'some data');
  this._electronService.once('response', callbackFn);

So, here, the event log on the console after _router.navigate says

  1. RoutesRecognised
  2. Guards Check Begin
  3. Guards Check Successful
  4. Guards Check End
  5. Navigation End

I also added a console statement to see what the promise is returning.

this._router.navigate(['/next', 'route']).then(
 success => console.log('navigation success');
 failure => console.log('navigation end');

it prints "Navigation success". But, the component does't load. Not sure what is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Note: this doesnt happen if electron is not involved. for example the below code works perfectly fine

public nextButtonClickedHandler() {
  this._router.navigate(['/next', 'route']);

I stumbled in the same trouble, but with the "dialog" APIs. I noticed this happens not only with Electron APIs, but also with Node.js APIs; in general calling a route function inside a callback raise the issue.

I noticed also that if inside the callback some data of the Angular component are changed, the interface is not updated; I had to make an explicit call to the change detector: this.changeDetector.detectChanges();
I remember similar problems in AngularJS, when the apply() function has to be called if some work was done "outside" the Angular boundaries; maybe the issues are related.

In my case I was able to circumnvent the problem by switching to the "syncronous" version of Electron.remote.dialog, instead of:

this.electronService.remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({title:'Output Folder',  
properties: ["openDirectory"] },  (folders) => {
     this.projectService.theProject.targetFolder = folders[0];

I tried this:

  var folders = this.electronService.remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({title:'Output Folder', 
         properties: ["openDirectory"] });
  if (folders) {
    this.projectService.theProject.targetFolder = folders[0];

Not only it works in my case (Windows 8 /10), but I can also get rid of the change detector update.

Hope this helps.

PS: I used ngx-electron to wrap the Electron APIs

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