Match pattern except under one condition Regex

Matthew Harwood

I'm trying to match a patterned with regex except when the pattern is escaped.

Test text:

This is AT\&T® is really cool Regex

You can see with my \& I'm manually escaping. And therefore, do not want the regex to match.


const str = 'This is AT\&T® is really cool Regex'

str.replace(/\&(.*?)\;/g, '<sup>&$1;</sup>');

Expected output

This is AT&T<sup>&reg;</sup> is really cool Regex

Hard to explain I guess but when the start of this regex looks for a & and ends with a ; however, if & is preceded with at \ like \& than do not match and look for the next \&(.*?)\;


You can use negative lookbehind This regex works fine with the example /(?<!\\)\&(.*?)\;/g

Edit 1

To workaround in JS you can use [^\\] that will match everything except backslash. The overall regex /[^\\]\&(.*?)\;/g It works for your example.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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