Get list of products that don't have a specific taxonomy in WooCommerce


I've hit an issue trying to find out what products are missing suppliers on a website with tens of thousands of products.

I need an MySQL query to determine which products are missing the taxonomy "suppliers" through phpmyadmin.

So far I've pieced this together from various answers:

FROM wp_posts wp
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta wm ON (wm.`post_id` = wp.`ID`)
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships wtr ON (wp.`ID` = wtr.`object_id`)
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy wtt ON (wtr.`term_taxonomy_id` = wtt.`term_taxonomy_id`)
INNER JOIN wp_terms wt ON (wt.`term_id` = wtt.`term_id`)
AND wtt.`taxonomy` = 'suppliers'
WHERE post_type = 'product'

I've tried numerous things and cannot get it to work.

Raunak Gupta

The problem is with you query is that you are not excluding product that has suppliers that that product has some other attributes, so you can use NOT EXIST or NOT IN, I have written the query using NOT EXIST.

FROM wp_posts wp
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta wm ON wm.`post_id` = wp.`ID`
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships wtr ON (wp.`ID` = wtr.`object_id`)
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy wtt ON wtr.`term_taxonomy_id` = wtt.`term_taxonomy_id`
INNER JOIN wp_terms wt ON wt.`term_id` = wtt.`term_id`
WHERE post_type = 'product'
    (SELECT `object_id`
     FROM `wp_term_relationships` AS wtr_inner 
     WHERE `term_taxonomy_id` IN
         (SELECT term_taxonomy_id
          FROM `wp_term_taxonomy`
          WHERE `taxonomy` = 'suppliers')
       AND wtr.object_id = wtr_inner.object_id )

Another version which will be a bit faster if you know all the suppliers term_taxonomy_id So you can modify the above query as

FROM wp_posts wp
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta wm ON wm.`post_id` = wp.`ID`
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships wtr ON (wp.`ID` = wtr.`object_id`)
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy wtt ON wtr.`term_taxonomy_id` = wtt.`term_taxonomy_id`
INNER JOIN wp_terms wt ON wt.`term_id` = wtt.`term_id`
WHERE post_type = 'product'
    (SELECT `object_id`
     FROM `wp_term_relationships` AS wtr_inner 
     WHERE `term_taxonomy_id` IN (27,28,29) -- replace it will all suppliers term_taxonomy_id
       AND wtr.object_id = wtr_inner.object_id )

Hope this helps!

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