How to draw a sierpinski carpet in python using turtle


I am trying to create the Sierpinski carpet in python using turtle. This is my code so far:

from turtle import *

# Make a screen and a pen
pen = Pen()
screen = Screen()

def s (n, l):
    for i in range (4):
        s(n-1, l)
        pen.right(45); pen.forward(l); pen.right(45)
        s(n-1, l)
        pen.left(90); forward (l); pen.left(90)
        s(n-1, l)
        pen.right(45); pen.forward(l); pen.left(45)
        s(n-1, l)

However whenever I run it I get this message:

line 17, in s
    s(n-1, l)
  [Previous line repeated 990 more times]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

I tried using if i in range(4): but this does not work either, where am I going wrong?


You need "stop condition" to stop recursion.

For example:

 if n == 0: # "stop condition"

    # draw or exit

 else: # recursions

    # execute some recursions

I don't know algorithm but I created carpet with this code.

I use trace(0) and update() only to draw it much faster.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import turtle

# --- functions ---

def s(n, l):

    if n == 0: # stop conditions

        # draw filled rectangle

        for _ in range (4):

    else: # recursion

        # around center point create 8 smalles rectangles.
        # create two rectangles on every side 
        # so you have to repeat it four times

        for _ in range(4):
            # first rectangle
            s(n-1, l/3)    

            # second rectangle
            s(n-1, l/3)    

            # go to next corner

        # update screen

# --- main ---    

# stop updating screen (to make it faster)

# start
s(4, 400)

# event loop

enter image description here

Wikipedia: Sierpinski carpet

Collected from the Internet

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