Javascript Spread Operator Alternative

Eric Bergman

So I'm working with an old codebase that uses javascript es5, this means I cannot use the spread operator

          var listOfItems = [ ['item1', 'test', '1'], ['item2', 'test2', '2'] ];

          var docDefinition = 
            style: 'piecesTable',
            table: {
              widths: ['*', '*', '*'],
              body: [
                  {text: 'Reference', style: 'tableHeader'}, 
                  {text: 'Alias', style: 'tableHeader'},
                  {text: 'Type', style: 'tableHeader'},

How can I spread "listOfItems" without using the spread operator as seen above '...listOfItems'

The listOfItems should be spread out to two separate arrays so essentially the result should be:

          var docDefinition = 
            style: 'piecesTable',
            table: {
              widths: ['*', '*', '*'],
              body: [
                  {text: 'Reference', style: 'tableHeader'}, 
                  {text: 'Alias', style: 'tableHeader'},
                  {text: 'Type', style: 'tableHeader'},
                ['item1', 'test', '1'],
                ['item2', 'test2', '2']

You can use concat() to merge into your body array

     var listOfItems = [ ['item1', 'test', '1'], ['item2', 'test2', '2'] ];

      var docDefinition = 
        style: 'piecesTable',
        table: {
          widths: ['*', '*', '*'],
          body: [
              {text: 'Reference', style: 'tableHeader'}, 
              {text: 'Alias', style: 'tableHeader'},
              {text: 'Type', style: 'tableHeader'},

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