UITabBar width using Storyboard


I want to get a UITabBar's width in order to get the width of an item. For this, I'm using:

let itemWidth = tabBar.frame.size.width / tabBar.items.count

However the width I get seems wrong...

The tabBar.frame.size.width gives me the width of the tabBar in the Storyboard depending of the preview...

In other words, if my Storyboard preview is set to iPad Pro 12.9", tabBar.frame.size.width will return 1024.0 even if the code is run on an iPhone 5s.

What am I missing here?

Tamás Sengel

UITabBar's dimensions will only be accurate after its layoutSubviews() function was executed. Subclass UITabBarController and access the tab bar's size in viewDidLayoutSubviews().

class CustomTabBarController: UITabBarController {
    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {

        print(tabBar.frame.width) //this will print the actual width

Collected from the Internet

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