How do I assign values to keys when I merge 2 objects with .map()?


I am using .map() to cycle through an object and places some values in to a 2nd object.

I am doing this as such:

function convertGraphItems(name, data) {
  return ({ name, data, type: 'bar', stack: true });

var generatedArr = [...dataByAccountName.entries()].map(convertGraphItems);

However, I seem to be unable to assign 'name' and 'data' to their respective keys.

I have tried return ({ name: name, data: data, type: 'bar', stack: true }); but this does not achieve what I want.

My desired result should look like:

        "name": "Savings",
        "data": [
        "type": "bar",
        "stack": true

But my current result is:

        "name": [
        "data": 0,
        "type": "bar",
        "stack": true

Would anyone know how I could assign data and name to their respective keys?

EDIT: source array looks like:

        "key": "Savings",
        "value": [

You are passing convertGraphItems function into map and you are expecting name as key and data as value, but this is not the case here.

In map the first argument is the value and second is the index. You have to make convertGraphItems compatible so you can pass value externally as:

[...dataByAccountName.entries()].map(function ([_, { key, value }]) {
  return convertGraphItems(key, value);

const dataByAccountName = [
    key: "Savings",
    value: [5474.18, 114031.26, 127890.72],

function convertGraphItems(name, data) {
  return { name, data, type: "bar", stack: true };

var generatedArr = [...dataByAccountName.entries()].map(function ([, v]) {
  const { key, value } = v;
  return convertGraphItems(key, value);

Collected from the Internet

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