How to extract 'hello' from the following nested dictionary using indexing?


How can I extract hello from the code using indexing?

I_say = {'stairs_1':[1, 'two', {'stairs_2':['Close to the door', {'in the door':['one', 2, ['hello']]}]}]}

I completely understand why this question was downvoted. It's just basic knowledge that a Python tutorial would help you with.

Nevertheless, it would help you immensely if you'd reformat your code and make it more readable.

        "Close to the door",
          "in the door":[

After looking at this code, you can see that the first level is a dictionary with a key stairs_1, its value is a list of three values.

The third value is a dictionary that contains just one element. Again, stairs_2 is the key and the value is a list, this time of two elements.

The second element is a dictionary that contains one element, its key is in the door and the value is a list.

The list contains three elements, while the third one is a list with a single element - your "hello" string.

So the answer is I_say['stairs_1'][2]['stairs_2'][1]['in the door'][2][0]

Collected from the Internet

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