SCSS - Get container width as height


Is there a way to get the container width of a child element in calculation of the child element height without using JavaScript.

Say, rendering an image in an 16:9px aspect ratio which is 1.778 : 1px. If i set the image width to 100% of the container. How do i set the height to


$width: 100%;
height: (100% * 0.5625)px;

I'm trying to get the value of 100% using calc(), but doesn't work.

calc(100% + 1)px;

I found it. Sass interpolation does the work. Its possible to use sass interpolation to reference a sibling property.

.container {
  width: 100%;

  img {
    width: 100%;
    height: calc(#{width} * 1.778);

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