Using migen or chisel HDL languages on pynq FPGA boards


I am currently using the pynq-z2 FPGA eval board manufactured by TUL to design applications. It has a Processor+FPGA SoC Zynq7020 on it. The pynq python package allows us to interact with the PS and PL quite well via jupyter notebooks.

I wanted to know if we could write the verilog codes for the PL in the new languages like migen 1 and chisel on pynq supported boards. Currently I am writing VHDL/verilog files in Vivado and creating IPs and circuit design in PL.

More info about migen:

More info about chisel:


In short : Yes of course.

Migen and Chisel generate Verilog backend RTL source for synthesis. And for hard template you can use mechanisms like Blackbox in Chisel.

You can also Litex which is based on Migen and have lots of core to drive DDR controllers, PCIe, HDMI, ...

Collected from the Internet

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